Saturday, February 9, 2013

Vegan lemon Cake

Look out for are new video Vegan Lemon Cake coming soon too Saveyonfoods YouTube

1 comment:

  1. hello
    i'm la'mont
    i gave up meat closing in on ten years
    i'm currently trying to get away from all animal products
    i have one simple yet loaded question / request
    please list for me the the core and commonly used as well as the frequently used ingredients used in most of your / reform dishes
    meals ,snacks,deserts,cheeses,milks,burgers,chicken,cakes,cookies,all to as much as you care to share please
    my reason is to allocate $1-$1000 one trip grocery list in order to fill in my pantry with all you suggest one healthy time then add as needed
    tall order i know
    but, i promise to share your information and videos including your blogs and websites
    you know ,since i came this far
    i should also ask what appliances i should have too?
    not sure what else or if i have forgotten anything ,i hope yo see my plight
    thank you so much family
